Welcome to the NWFL HUB. We are a new 501c3 non-profit. The NWFL HUB volunteers are embracing rapid growth and the needs of the local home education community with a member base. We have shown you a glimpse of potential that a local homeschool support system can offer. The NWFL HUB has brought you TWO large Homeschool Community Festivals, contacted over 100 local area resources to bring you a comprehensive regional home education directory, rallied local business for the growth of new homeschool programs across the region, and now this private events membership and information platform. We hope to keep our membership affordable, but also sustainable. This may, at some point result in minimal event fees or fundraisers, BUT thanks to a VELA education grant, this year is FREE. Field trips and special events however, could incur fees.
You must be a family in non-traditional alternative education model or homeschooling at least one student in grades Pre-K through 12 living in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton counties or nearby areas could potentially find benefit. NOTE: Our events are typically during a traditional school day/week and have an educational focus.
For the 2024/2025 school year we would like to provide volunteer members the opportunity to plan and participate in field trips or special events for faith based, inclusive, or secular members across the panhandle of NWFL. We wish to put little parameters on your time requirements and educational preferences. Be sure to check any boxes of potential volunteer interests and we will follow up with more information. In addition, we would like to have timely and effective event information delivered directly to you in order to reduce reliance on social media for time sensitive information.
The NWFL HUB exists to connect the home education community to comprehensive information, educational resources, and providers. We hope that a membership will equip, mobilize, and empower regional volunteers in order to encourage a more intimate connection of like-minded families both regionally and across the panhandle throughout the year. Please consider joining our volunteer efforts in big or small ways.
We are embracing our rapid growth with flexibility to meet the unique needs of our community; our policies and standards will evolve as deemed necessary.
This will not be the place to rally division or political cause. Special community events and field trips will simply be well defined as inclusive, secular, or faith based with limited enrollment as set per venue or event. Homeschooling is most effective when connected to local community of like-minded families. We can make that happen by sharing support resources.
We wish to present ourselves to our local community as a respected, responsible, and invested parent educator and a thriving local education choice. This will require management of our children and respect for each other and the establishments of business that we attend.
In order to keep our membership as safe and relevant as possible, you will be REQUIRED to answer certain questions in order to be accepted. This information collected is vital to tagging the information you will receive from the NWFL HUB, select your answers intentionally. Your membership information can be changed at any time under your profile settings and will not be shared, spammed, or sold.
Join us!